
OK every time I post some pictures of my daughter I go on and on about how I so rarely get to stop and take pictures of just her. But it is the truth. I do take tons of pictures of her, but I rarely get to go through them and spend time with them. And mostly she doesn’t even want me to take her picture. “Mommy no camera!” or “Mommy, put camera away!” She’s clearly over the mamarazzi thing. So when I do want to seriously get some shots of my little girl, I take her daddy. That guy knows how to wrangle a 2 1/2 year old like nobody’s business. But his complaint has been that I haven’t been in any of the pictures! I know tons of mom photogs have this problem. Tons of pictures of their kids and dad, but none of themselves. So, I set my camera up and let Kevin loose with the camera. He got some amazing shots that I can’t believe I’m actually in! I decided to go black and white with most of our “session” but I saved a couple for color at the very end. I can’t pick a favorite! Get ready for an truckload of pictures featuring Derryberries! This isn’t even all of them…